Stay Apart, Stand Together

At the start of the 2020 pandemic, numerous groups found themselves unable to gather together physically. This campaign was thought up and created within a week (despite working remotely for the first time) to help people feel connected to their teams during such an unprecedented event. Additionally, we started a fundraiser to support causes helping during the pandemic.

At Custom Ink, we believe the need to be a part of something bigger than ourselves is vital to being human. We stand together to lend our strength to one another and to the causes we care about, and we don’t stop belonging just because we can’t be together. We find ways to stand together, even when we’re apart. Custom Ink can help all your groups continue looking and feeling like a team and help you stay connected to the people and the causes you put your life’s work into. Together, we can overcome any challenge, and soon, we’ll stand together, together, again.

*Video and storyboarding created by various designers


Advancement Project

